We are convinced that success in meeting the horse as a coach is no coincidence. Because there is a sophisticated method behind it.
There are four steps that enable real transformation and there are four steps that can be optimally accompanied by horse and coach. Because when it comes to discovering blind spots, identifying blockages, perceiving emotions and courageously looking forward, the support of a horse with value-free primal instincts is extremely powerful. As the third member of the team, the coach guides you through the process with great empathy and attentiveness. Working in this team of three truly has great explosive and implementation power!
Knowing your own starting position clearly is the starting signal for any change. Accepting a new challenge, unmasking inhibitions, unleashing the rigid and creating space for something new. Becoming aware of the impact and adapting it to everyday life in order to live the change sustainably. The “aha” experience is of course included!
The AHAA® method makes a possible transformation tangible right from the start. We can test out possible changes directly, experiencing with the horse as a coach how it would feel if it were already the case. Because we all know that what we can imagine can become reality!
The AHAA® method arose from the desire as a coach not to have to constantly reinvent the wheel and to be able to focus entirely on the other person. In our opinion, it is also very important for the coaching client to be well guided through a personal process. This creates a good basis of trust and greatly strengthens the acceptance of horse-assisted coaching. Professional coaching, especially in the presence of the horse, is a craft that pays off in later application if it is taught in a well-founded and structured way.
The AHAA® method is taught as the central foundation of the coach training. With AHAA® navigation, a set of cards for practical application and a manual tailored to the method, participants have the opportunity to work methodically from the outset and gain valuable practical experience throughout the training.
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